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Curriculum & Learning




Children are introduced to concepts such as quantity, shape and space by teachers and then the environment enables children to further develop their understanding of these concepts.  The mathematical experiences that they will be involved in will include creating and solving problems, engaging with stories, songs, games, practical activities, and imaginative play.  Plenty of time is given to children to revisit, develop and make sense of mathematical concepts for themselves.  Our aim is maintaining children’s enthusiasm, so they develop positive self-esteem as learners of mathematics and feel confident to express their ideas.

Lower Prep

In Lower Prep, pupils are taught in classes in Form I and are set into two ability groups from Form II, which are taught by the year group Form Tutors. They are introduced to concepts using a range of interactive resources and games as well as physical resources. The emphasis is on building core skills and achievement is consistently praised. In Form I, the children win a certificate once they know their number bonds to 10 and 20. They have a discrete problem-solving session each week from Form II. Pupils will start to learn their times tables and develop their use of number sentences along with basic mathematical vocabulary.

Middle Prep

In Middle Prep pupils are set into two ability groups which are taught by their year group Form Tutors. The children will continue to use physical resources but will also start to consider number in a more abstract way. They will continue with their times tables being able to win certificates and awards and use online resources to practise them. They will have a problem-solving session each week to develop their investigative and mental maths skills. The fundamental skills of maths are reinforced and extended.

Upper Prep

In Upper Prep, pupils are set into two ability groups, which are taught by maths specialists. The children will start to use mathematical vocabulary to discuss and explain concepts and ideas. They will look at different problem-solving skills and develop strategies. The children will develop mathematical resilience as they start to work on tasks and activities where there is not one simple answer. Physical resources will still be available for individuals who choose to use them when working. Pupils are given specific assistance to help with preparation for secondary school assessments.


From Reception to Form VI, each pupil becomes a proud, lifelong member of one of four Houses; St. Andrew’s (blue), St. David’s (yellow), St George’s (red) or St. Patrick’s (green). Pupils really enjoy being part of our House System and accrue house points weekly, winning stickers and badges in a House Assembly where we celebrate the pupils with the most points in each year group and overall. The House Captains representing the overall winning House collect the cup and raise the flag on our tower!

The House System also provides fantastic opportunities for friendly competition across the school and between year groups. We run House Football, Netball, Hockey, Kwik Cricket, Poetry, Music, Art and a House Quiz throughout the year. Our Poetry, Music and Art competitions are externally judged by local experts which the children find very exciting.

Our School Values are also embedded in our House system, and pupils can win tokens for demonstrating one (or more) of our values in the way they behave. Each term, the House with the most tokens for each value are declared winners. The competition to be the ‘Kindest House’, or the ‘Most Responsible’, ‘Highest Achieving’ or ‘Most Resilient’ are hotly contested honours!


PE and Sport is something we excel at here at St. George’s. Every session is accessible, inclusive and fun, meaning every child can learn and improve on their physical literacy. Our excellent Sports department is adept at challenging those with sporting prowess, meaning a high proportion of pupils progress onto a pathway that leads them to representing the island in sporting tournaments.


Blessed with 35 acres of space, pupils participate in sports lessons and clubs in all weathers. St. George’s has an award-winning Sports Hall with full-size netball court and gymnastics equipment, an outdoor court, onsite swimming pool, two full-size football/rugby pitches, an athletics track and cricket square. Our grounds also provide the perfect terrain for cross-country events. Come rain or shine, the children are able to be physically active and develop their sporting skill.


We are passionate about music here at St George’s, not least because it brings us together at times of celebration spreading joy through our halls and allowing the children to perform and build confidence. The social, emotional and academic benefits of music are proven. Music is at the very heart of the school and the benefits it brings are cultivated in our musical learning from Nursery all the way up to Form VI.

Your child’s musical journey has been carefully crafted to ensure they get vibrant, exciting and inspirational lessons which provide progressive, enjoyable and accessible learning opportunities throughout their time at St George’s.

In addition to their scheduled music lessons, all children from Forms III – VI attend choir once a week and the school offers peripatetic music lessons on a wide range of instruments during the school day (supplementary fees apply).  Performance opportunities within the School and to a wider audience are rich and varied and inclusive for all, regardless of ability.

We welcome visiting musicians and workshops to the school as much as possible to tie in with what the children are learning and provide additional inspiration.



Ensuring pupils have the digital skills to remain safe online and prosper in the virtual realm of their lives is an essential part of preparing them for the future. We use devices safely and with intent from Lower Prep through to Form VI. Lessons adapt to the needs and ability of the children as they mature.


St. George’s seems built for budding scientists in training to make the scientific discoveries of the future! From seasons spotting to pond dipping, from learning about biodiversity in our orchard to building bug hotels in the playground and of course observing the weather and the universe, we use our grounds in a number of scientific ways, wherever the opportunity presents itself .


Our early years pupils focus their science learning on ‘understanding the world around me’- using more simplistic terms such as ‘Play’, ‘Observe’ and ‘Ask’. Children’s learning is enhanced with the use of a story which we bring to life to enable pupils to play and interact, seeing for themselves what happens and asking questions. In early years, science is all about finding out, investigating and asking questions- learning how to ask questions through play.


Lower Prep

Most science learning in Lower Prep is done outside where possible, whether its woodland walks looking at biodiversity or inviting specialists from local organisations into the School to give science-based talks to the children. The use of ‘floor books’ in Lower Prep allow learning in science to be focused on discoveries rather than the act of writing itself. Teachers use photographs and help to record the children’s thoughts and ideas to show evidence of their learning and amplify the pupil voice. Children are encouraged to fill in an ‘I Wonder’ section of their books, questioning how things work and encouraging scientific thought and ownership of their future learning as well.

Children learn to ask questions and understand that in science it is ok to change your mind supported by our use of The Welcome Trust’s Explorify platform. Activities on the platform encourage questioning and developing their use of scientific evidence, allowing children to apply their learning to the real-world. From Form I, children study a diverse range of scientists linked to their learning, opening up connections to possible future careers (if you see it, you can be it).  Pupils share their floor books and learning with their families during a ‘Family Science Sharing Morning’ which is an important part of the School/home learning partnership.

Middle and Upper Prep

From Form III, science continues to encourage investigation, questioning and exploration. Now, children are beginning to write down their own ideas and formulate their own questions, predictions and conclusions. They are asking more advanced questions and continuing more advanced activities through the Explorify platform.

From Form IV, as well as continuing to learn in the environment and School grounds, children also have their science lessons in our Science Lab with a specialist science teacher. We continue to encourage the application of science to the real-world and future careers. Pupils have individual science books and focus on developing their ‘working scientifically’ skills further and their understanding of different enquiry types. The children enter exciting engineering competitions where they are challenged to create invent the discoveries of the future and they also apply the UNs Sustainable Development Goals to their learning. The children are empowered to show the school value of ‘Responsibility’ by actioning community projects to help combat climate change.




Blessed as we are at St. George’s to be surrounded by 35 stunning acres of woodland and grounds, our Forest School sessions are not an added extra but fundamental to our curriculum.  Following the core philosophy of Forest Schooling, originally developed in Denmark in the 1980s, the intention is to provide young children with an education that encourages an appreciation of the wider, natural world and a will to take responsibility for nature conservation throughout their lives.

Many members of our Teaching Team are Forest School trained to advanced ‘Forest School Leader’ Level, having trained with renowned Forest School expert Mr John Blaney based in Bridgwater, UK. As well as extensive grounds and woodland, we also have a dedicated Forest School area with space to explore, create and appreciate nature. We have a firepit, seating area, story den and a shed full of tools the children use safely under direction when working with natural resources. In 2021, our Form VI Leavers (and huge Forest School enthusiasts) gifted us a Tipi which the children use to gather in and around during their outdoor lessons.  

Forest School not only creates an understanding and attachment to nature, but also promotes creativity, confidence, independence and self-esteem. Children are encouraged to do things themselves and create from nature, which encourages them to take risks (under supervision) and direct their own learning, exploration and play. We find that Forest School sessions:

  • Inspire awe and wonder whilst teaching children about the outdoors and their environment
  • Encourage problem solving
  • Extend vocabulary
  • Prevent anxiety
  • Improve resilience
  • Create opportunities for hands-on, real-life learning
  • Allow practical skills to develop naturally
  • Create opportunities to work individually, as part of a team and in small groups to achieve a goal

Over the course of their sessions, children might use natural resources to build bug homes and bird houses. They might use tools to create Forest School artworks. They make Forest perfume and crowns and go on foraging nature walks. Children will develop skills such as binding and knot tying and learn about the different types of trees, plants and flowers.

Our pupils enjoy Forest School in all weathers and we’re very proud to deliver these sessions from Nursery all the way to Form VI.