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Children are introduced to concepts such as quantity, shape and space by teachers and then the environment enables children to further develop their understanding of these concepts.  The mathematical experiences that they will be involved in will include creating and solving problems, engaging with stories, songs, games, practical activities, and imaginative play.  Plenty of time is given to children to revisit, develop and make sense of mathematical concepts for themselves.  Our aim is maintaining children’s enthusiasm, so they develop positive self-esteem as learners of mathematics and feel confident to express their ideas.

Lower Prep

In Lower Prep, pupils are taught in classes in Form I and are set into two ability groups from Form II, which are taught by the year group Form Tutors. They are introduced to concepts using a range of interactive resources and games as well as physical resources. The emphasis is on building core skills and achievement is consistently praised. In Form I, the children win a certificate once they know their number bonds to 10 and 20. They have a discrete problem-solving session each week from Form II. Pupils will start to learn their times tables and develop their use of number sentences along with basic mathematical vocabulary.

Middle prep

In Middle Prep pupils are set into two ability groups which are taught by their year group Form Tutors. The children will continue to use physical resources but will also start to consider number in a more abstract way. They will continue with their times tables being able to win certificates and awards and use online resources to practise them. They will have a problem-solving session each week to develop their investigative and mental maths skills. The fundamental skills of maths are reinforced and extended.

Upper prep

In Upper Prep, pupils are set into two ability groups, which are taught by maths specialists. The children will start to use mathematical vocabulary to discuss and explain concepts and ideas. They will look at different problem-solving skills and develop strategies. The children will develop mathematical resilience as they start to work on tasks and activities where there is not one simple answer. Physical resources will still be available for individuals who choose to use them when working. Pupils are given specific assistance to help with preparation for secondary school assessments.